clearlake, calif. — on a recent afternoon, anaerospace engineer working for a small silicon valleycompany called kitty hawk piloted a flying car abovea scenic lake about 100 miles north of san francisco.
加利福尼亞州克利爾湖——前不久的一個下午,硅谷一家名叫“基蒂霍克”(kitty hawk)的小公司的航空工程師駕駛飛行汽車,在舊金山以北約100英里外一座風(fēng)景秀麗的湖泊上飛翔。
kitty hawk’s flying car, if you insisted on calling it a“car,” looked like something luke skywalker wouldhave built out of spare parts. it was an open-seated, 220-pound contraption with room for one person, powered by eight battery-poweredpropellers that howled as loudly as a speedboat.
the tech industry, as we are often told, is fond of disrupting things, and lately the automakershave been a big target. cars that use artificial intelligence to drive themselves, for example,have been in development for a few years and can be spotted on roads in a number of now, coming onto the radar screen, are flying machines that do not exactly look like yourfather’s buick with wings.
more than a dozen start-ups backed by deep-pocketed industry figures like larry page, agoogle founder — along with big aerospace firms like airbus, the ride-hailing company uber andeven the government of dubai — are taking on the dream of the flying car.
在谷歌創(chuàng)始人之一拉里·佩奇(larry page)等富有的業(yè)內(nèi)人士、空中客車公司(airbus)等大型航空公司、叫車公司優(yōu)步(uber)甚至是迪拜政府等各方面支持下,十幾家初創(chuàng)企業(yè)都在追求飛行汽車這個夢想。
the approaches by the different companies vary and the realization of their competing visionsseems far in the future, but they have one thing in common: a belief that one day regularpeople should be able to fly their own vehicles around town.
there are challenges, no doubt, with both the technology and government regulations. perhapsthe biggest hurdle will be convincing the public that the whole idea isn’t crazy.
“i love the idea of being able to go out into my backyard and hop into my flying car,” said bradtempleton, a silicon valley entrepreneur who has served as a consultant on google’s self-driving project. “i hate the idea of my next-door neighbor having one.”
“我走進(jìn)后院,跳進(jìn)自己的飛行汽車——我喜歡這個想法,”硅谷企業(yè)家布拉德·鄧普頓(brad templeton)曾擔(dān)任谷歌自動駕駛項目的顧問,他說?!暗窍氲洁従佑羞@么一輛車我會不爽?!?/p>
kitty hawk, the company backed by mr. page, is trying to be one of the first out of the gate andplans to start selling its vehicle by the end of the year.
the company has attracted intense interest because of mr. page and its chief executive,sebastian thrun, an influential technologist and self-driving car pioneer who is the foundingdirector of google’s x lab.
in 2013, zee aero, a kitty hawk spanision, became the object of silicon valley rumors whenreports of a small air taxilike vehicle first surfaced.
2013年,關(guān)于小型空中出租車式交通工具的報道開始出現(xiàn),基蒂霍克的分公司zee aero也成為硅谷傳言的話題。
mr. page declined a request for an interview but said in a statement: “we’ve all had dreamsof flying effortlessly. i’m excited that one day very soon i’ll be able to climb onto my kitty hawkflyer for a quick and easy personal flight.”
佩奇拒絕了采訪請求,并在一份聲明中說:“我們都有毫不費力地在空中飛行的夢想。不久后的一天,我就能夠登上自己的基蒂霍克飛行器(kitty hawk flyer),輕松快速地進(jìn)行個人飛行,這令我興奮不已?!?/p>
during his recent test flight, cameron robertson, the aerospace engineer, used two joysticklikecontrols to swing the vehicle back and forth above clear lake, sliding on the air as a formulaone car might shimmy through a racecourse. the flight, just 15 feet above the water, circledover the lake about 20 or 30 yards from shore, and after about five minutes mr. robertsonsteered back to a floating landing pad at the end of a dock.
最近一次試飛時,航空工程師卡梅隆·羅伯遜(cameron robertson)使用兩個游戲操縱桿般的控制器,駕駛著飛行器在克利爾湖上空來回?fù)u擺,在空中滑翔而過,就像一級方程式賽車優(yōu)雅地在賽道上行駛一樣。飛行器距離水面15英尺,在距離湖岸約20或30碼的地方繞湖飛行,大約五分鐘后,羅伯遜掉頭轉(zhuǎn)向一座碼頭末端的浮動著陸墊。
the kitty hawk flyer is one of several prototypes the start-up, based in mountain view, calif., isdesigning. the company hopes to create an audience of enthusiasts and hobbyists, who laterthis year will be able to pay $100 to sign up for a $2,000 discount on the retail price of a flyerto “gain exclusive access to kitty hawk experiences and demonstrations where a select few willget the chance to ride the flyer.”
it is an unusual offer, since the company has not yet set a price for the vehicle, and ’s and mr. page’s involvement can be taken as evidence that the company is aiming farbeyond hobbyists. still, kitty hawk is clearly targeting a new kind of transportation — air flightthat can be performed safely by most people and hopefully with government approval.
“we hope that this is more of an exciting concept than what most people have had in theirminds about flying cars,” mr. robertson said. “this is not yet that product in terms of what wewill say and what it can do, but i think it demonstrates a vision of the future.”
kitty hawk could face stiff competition, not just from about a half dozen start-ups, but fromthe giant airbus, headquartered in blagnac, france. the aerospace firm has announced twodifferent vertical takeoff and landing, or vtol, concepts and is reported to be planning aninitial test flight before the end of the year.
at the geneva international motor show last month, airbus proposed an autonomous vehiclenamed that would operate on both the ground and in the air. and this year, thegovernment of dubai, in partnership with a chinese firm, ehang, said it planned to beginoperating an autonomous flying taxi by this july. also, uber is expected on tuesday to detail its“vision for the future of urban air mobility” at a conference in dallas.
there is no shortage of skeptics happy to point out the roadblocks for these vehicles. there isalready significant resistance to the idea of unmanned drones flying over urban areas, andflying cars could face substantial opposition, even if they can be quieted to automotive noiselevels.
for these personal air vehicles to become a reality in the united states, the country would needa whole new air traffic control system.
two years ago, the national aeronautics and space administration began development of an airtraffic control system meant for managing all sorts of flying vehicles, including drones. onenasa developer described it as an air traffic control system, “for a sky dark with drones.”researchers hope testing can begin by 2019.
batteries are also an issue. while electric propeller-driven motors seem promising, today’sbattery technology cannot support flights of a reasonable distance, say a 30- or 50-milecommute.
“how is this going to work? i don’t want to be a debbie downer, but we can’t even take ourcellphones on airplanes today because of fears about battery fires,” said missy cummings, thedirector of the humans and autonomy laboratory at duke university, who is researchingpersonal air transport for nasa.
“這怎么能行得通呢?我不想當(dāng)掃興的黛比·唐納(debbie downer),但是因為害怕電池著火,我們甚至不能把手機(jī)帶上飛機(jī),”杜克大學(xué)(duke university)人類與自動化實驗室(humans and autonomy laboratory)的主任米茜·卡明斯(missy cummings)說。她正在為nasa進(jìn)行個人空中交通方面的研究。
and don’t forget that flying cars will not be able to pull to the side of the road in an emergency,said john leonard, a mechanical engineer at the massachusetts institute of technology’scomputer science and artificial intelligence laboratory.
麻省理工學(xué)院(massachusetts institute of technology)計算機(jī)科學(xué)與人工智能實驗室(computerscience and artificial intelligence laboratory)的機(jī)械工程師約翰·倫納德(john leonard)表示,不要忘了飛行汽車不能在緊急情況下在路邊停靠。
“silicon valley is full of very smart people, but they don’t always get the laws of physics,” hesaid. “gravity is a formidable adversary.”