
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2022-12-05 12:51:34
時間:2022-12-05 12:51:34     小編:zdfb
















i believe many netizens who travel with the group to chongqing must havebeen to chongqing chaotianmen. they must have heard the guide's explanation ofchongqing chaotianmen, but they probably forgot it later. some friends have notlistened to the guide at all, or those who like self driving travel have noguide at all. now i'll sort out the tour guide words of chongqing chaotianmen asfollows. friends who like to collect tour guide words of scenic spots, or thosewho want to go to chongqing chaotianmen but haven't, can enjoy them here.

well, now we are in the northeast of chongqing, the chaotian gate at theconfluence of the yangtze river and jialing river. friends who have been togermany or heard of "the corner of germany" all know that the chaotian gate atthe confluence of the rhine river and the meiyin river "the corner of germany"is similar to the chaotianmen we see today. now we are in the front ofchaotianmen. please look up. this is a pure black granite tablet with goldenriver carved on it general secretary zemin's inscription: "chongqing chaotianmensquare" in big characters. please follow me up the stone ladder. this is theback of the monument. its center is the picture of chongqing ancient city. onboth sides, one side (my left side) is the chronicle of chaotianmen squareconstruction, and the other side (my right side) is the ode to chongqingchaotianmen square

please pay attention to the picture of the ancient city in the middle. whyis this place called chaotianmen?

according to expert research, chaotianmen was built in the warring statesperiod when zhang yi, a famous diplomat in the state of qin, and li yan, ageneral of zhugeliang in the three kingdoms period, were stationed in the earthcity. then, dai ding, a general of zhu yuanzhang in the ming dynasty, wasstationed in the fourth year of hongwu in 1371 it was built and named when thecity was expanded. at that time (ming dynasty), there were 17 gates with ninegates open and eight gates closed. only eight gates developed into commercialdocks, and chaotian gate was the most prosperous one, chaotian post, thestarting point of chongqing, was set up here. when the imperial court sent theming officials and imperial envoys to chongqing, they all gathered at chaotiangate to thank them. when the former ming officials left chongqing, they alsoinvited sheng'an and set out on the ship

chaotianmen is one of the earliest ancient docks in chongqing historybecause of its precipitous terrain and prosperous business activities. somepeople call chaotianmen "the no.1 wharf of tianzi". in 1891, chongqing wasestablished as a commercial port, and chaotianmen began to set up customs. in1927, because of the construction of chaotianmen wharf, the old city gate wasremoved. however, in 1949, the "92" fire broke out in recent years, withchongqing's opening to the outside world, the launching of the three gorgesproject and the direct administration of chongqing, this "tiny area" of lessthan 1 square kilometer is more and more embarrassing for chongqing people, andthe old appearance affects the hearts of all walks of life

in january 1998, the municipal party committee and government decided toreappear the grand momentum of chaotianmen and show the spirit of opening up innew chongqing. the foundation of chaotianmen square construction project waslaid on march 28 and officially opened to tourists on december 31

today, chaotianmen square is composed of four parts: sightseeing square,revetment terrace, traffic square and surrounding environment

you see, the place where we got off just now is traffic square, which is amulti-storey square of 56000 square meters, and can park 270 cars

the main building area of the viewing square is 60000 square meters, 21.8meters high, falling layer by layer, with a total of four floors. the top floorsquare is the square we stand on, with an area of 17000 square meters, which isthe largest top floor public square in china the ground of the square is pavedwith red and black marbles and red, white and blue square bricks inlaid withwrong colors. there are lamp posts, music, fountains, lawns, banyan trees, fakebetel nut and kumquat on the square. the square also has a special disabledhumanity, and retains the only cable car in chongqing

please follow me to the bottom of the square along the stone ladder by theriver. ok, here are three "city gate holes" that can lead directly to the top ofchaotianmen viewing square. the former chaotianmen is a brick and stonestructure, and the city is 10 feet high. outside the city gate, there are threebig words "chaotianmen" on the urn attached to the main gate, and you can seethese three words on today's big "city gate hole" on the side of the tower,there is an inscription of "ten thousand li return journey" written by emperorwenzong of the yuan dynasty. ok, you can look back at this row of revetmentterraces. it is 700 meters long, 128 terraces, paved with 80000 concrete whole terraces are fan-shaped around the river and set off with the square,which is very imposing

look at the whole wharf. chaotianmen is like a ship riding the wind andbreaking the waves. there are dozens of ships moored on the broad river, eitherslowly berthing or waiting to set sail. (pause) you are so attentive that youdon't know if you pay attention to the water of the two rivers. by the way, thewater of jialing river is green, while the water of changjiang river is yellow,which is very clear

when the river is extremely dry, a 200 meter long stone beam like the backof a whale will appear. there are 12 hydrological steles carved in the is said that the appearance of the stone beam indicates a good harvest year,so the stone beam is also called fengshui stele but it's not seen fromgeneration to generation. for more than 1700 years, it only appeared once every600 years. the last appearance was in the midsummer of 1937. of course, it'sjust a legend of ancient people. now we can see it my life can be said to be abumper harvest every year. there is also a story about "turtle stone" inshiliang. do you think that stone looks like a turtle? (pause) in fact, it'sjust a misinformation of chongqing people, because "wu" in chongqing accent isthe same as "wu" in chongqing accent "hu" doesn't matter. its original name is"hugui stone". this legend tells of tu shannu, the wife of dayu. since herhusband left home three days after his wedding, she stood on the big stone andcalled for her husband's return every day this move moved the dragon king, andsent the turtle to arch the stone high, so that she could see further. overtime, tu shannu's body and the stone became one, becoming the "hugui stone" inthe river

in ancient times, visitors were leaning on the stone railings along theriver to enjoy the beautiful scenery of "chaotian confluence". looking down atthe river, the yangtze river flows from the right side of the city, the jialingriver flows from the qiansimen on the left side, and the two rivers meet underthe city gate, forming a unique "jiama water" scenery; guo moruo wrote a poemwhen he returned to chongqing in 1960

even today, when chongqing people mention chaotianmen, an ancient city gateand wharf with a long culture, they still have boundless feelings. "after all,it's a gateway to chongqing." this simple sentence once again shows the statusof chaotianmen in chongqing's history and chongqing people's mind


