
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2022-12-29 23:47:53
時(shí)間:2022-12-29 23:47:53     小編:zdfb









這是我從甘地(gandhi)、帕夏汗(bacha khan)和特蕾莎修女(motherteresa)身上學(xué)得的非暴力哲學(xué)。這是我從父母身上學(xué)得的寬恕。這是我的靈魂告訴我的:愛好和平,愛每一個(gè)人。










today we are launching a campaign called “heforshe.”

i am reaching out to you because i need your help. we want to end genderinequality—and to do that we need everyone to be involved.

this is the first campaign of its kind at the un: we want to try andgalvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible.




i was appointed six months ago and the more i have spoken about feminismthe more i have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often becomesynonymous with man-hating. if there is one thing i know for certain, it is thatthis has to stop.

for the record, feminism by definition is: “the belief that men and womenshould have equal rights and opportunities. it is the theory of the political,economic and social equality of the sexes.”



i started questioning gender-based assumptions when at eight i was confusedat being called “bossy,” because i wanted to direct the plays we would put onfor our parents—but the boys were not.

when at 14 i started being sexualized by certain elements of the press.

when at 15 my girlfriends started dropping out of their sports teamsbecause they didn’t want to appear “muscly.”

when at 18 my male friends were unable to express their feelings.





i decided i was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me. but myrecent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word.

apparently i am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as toostrong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive.

why is the word such an uncomfortable one?




i am from britain and think it is right that as a woman i am paid the sameas my male counterparts. i think it is right that i should be able to makedecisions about my own body. i think it is right that women be involved on mybehalf in the policies and decision-making of my country. i think it is rightthat socially i am afforded the same respect as men. but sadly i can say thatthere is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive theserights.

no country in the world can yet say they have achieved gender equality.



these rights i consider to be human rights but i am one of the lucky life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn’t love me less because iwas born a daughter. my school did not limit me because i was a girl. my mentorsdidn’t assume i would go less far because i might give birth to a child one influencers were the gender equality ambassadors that made who i am may not know it, but they are the inadvertent feminists who are. and weneed more of those. and if you still hate the word—it is not the word that isimportant but the idea and the ambition behind it. because not all women havebeen afforded the same rights that i have. in fact, statistically, very few havebeen.


when at 14 i started being sexualized by certain elements of the press.

when at 15 my girlfriends started dropping out of their sports teamsbecause they didn’t want to appear “muscly.”

when at 18 my male friends were unable to express their feelings.





i decided i was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me. but myrecent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word.

apparently i am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as toostrong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive.

why is the word such an uncomfortable one?




i am from britain and think it is right that as a woman i am paid the sameas my male counterparts. i think it is right that i should be able to makedecisions about my own body. i think it is right that women be involved on mybehalf in the policies and decision-making of my country. i think it is rightthat socially i am afforded the same respect as men. but sadly i can say thatthere is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive theserights.

no country in the world can yet say they have achieved gender equality.



these rights i consider to be human rights but i am one of the lucky life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn’t love me less because iwas born a daughter. my school did not limit me because i was a girl. my mentorsdidn’t assume i would go less far because i might give birth to a child one influencers were the gender equality ambassadors that made who i am may not know it, but they are the inadvertent feminists who are. and weneed more of those. and if you still hate the word—it is not the word that isimportant but the idea and the ambition behind it. because not all women havebeen afforded the same rights that i have. in fact, statistically, very few havebeen.



on this observance of world refugee day, we must note a troubling trend:the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home.


in x, more than a million people returned to their own country on avoluntary basis. last year, only 250,000 did so - the lowest number in twodecades. the reasons for this include prolonged instability in afghanistan, thedemocratic republic of congo and southern sudan.


the theme of this year's observance -- “home” -- highlights the plight ofthe world's 15 million refugees, more than three-quarters of them in thedeveloping world, who have been uprooted from their homes by conflict orpersecution.


for many refugees today, rapid urbanization means that home is not acrowded camp run by an international humanitarian organization, but a makeshiftshelter in a shantytown, outside a city in the developing world.


as these cities continue to experience spectacular growth, refugees areamong their most vulnerable residents. they must struggle for the most basicservices: sanitation, health and education. the impact of the global financialand economic crisis only increases the threat of marginalization anddestitution.


we in the humanitarian community must adapt our policies to this changingprofile of need. this means working closely with host governments to deliverservices, and intensifying our efforts to resolve conflicts so that refugees canreturn home.


on world refugee day, let us reaffirm the importance of solidarity andburden-sharing by the international community. refugees have been deprived oftheir homes, but they must not be deprived of their futures.



it is a great pleasure to join you for the opening of a new session of thegeneral assembly.


mr. president, i wish to take this opportunity to congratulate you mostsincerely, once again, on your assumption of the high office of the presidencyof the general assembly. as we work together in the future in addressing globalchallenges, i will count on your leadership with global vision in meeting theexpectation of many people, billions of people around the world. that is torealise a life of dignity for all. you can also count on me.


excellencies, the sense of expectation is clear. we are on the eve of veryimportant will focus on how to accelerate achievement of the millenniumdevelopment goals as the x deadline approaches. business, civil society and thephilanthropic community will come together to showcase mdg successes.


we will intensify our efforts to define a post-x development agenda,including with a single set of goals for sustainable development that we hopewill address the complex challenges of this new era and capture the imaginationof the people of the world, as the mdgs did.


i therefore welcome president ashe’s choice of theme for the generaldebate: “setting the stage” for the post-x has also outlined a set ofsix thematic issues upon which he intends to convene his high-level events andthematic debates during the 68th session, and i support his decision to doso.


during the 68th session, we will also advance preparations for the xconference on small island developing states, and carry out a range of otherimportant work, aimed at meeting the expectations of a global public looking tous to make the decisions and investments that will build a future of prosperityand opportunity.


there will be important high-level meetings of the general assembly onpeople with disabilities and migration.


we will focus on a number of urgent peace and security challenges.


excellencies, i am also intending to convene a high-level summit meeting onclimate change, and i hope you will all fully support it and ask your leaders toparticipate. the exact date will be decided in close consultation with thepresident of the general assembly and the general committee.


ladies and gentlemen, syria is without doubt the biggest crisis facing theinternational community, and is likely to figure prominently in the speeches andmeetings during the general debate segment, and rightly so. the assembly has arole and a voice in our efforts to resolve it and respond to the suffering and iwill soon have an opportunity of reporting to, directly after this session isover.


syria is without doubt the biggest crisis facing the internationalcommunity, but at the same time we need to look at a broader picture – globaldevelopment as well as regional conflict. as for regional conflict or peaceissues, we will hold a meeting of the oversight mechanism for the peaceagreement that the united nations brokered earlier this year for the democraticrepublic of the congo and the great lakes region.


the middle east quartet -- consisting of the united nations, the europeanunion, russia and the united states -- will meet for the first time in more thana year to support the direct israeli-palestinian negotiations that have recentlyreconvened.


we will discuss how to support the transitions in yemen and myanmar, andhow to consolidate stability following recent elections in mali.


finally, we will also mark the 20th anniversary of the vienna conference onhuman rights, a landmark event that led to the establishment of the un highcommissioner for human rights.


mr. president, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,


while the assembly’s temporary home may not be as beautiful and evocativeas the historic hall that is now closed for renovation, what matters most iswhat we do here – the hard work we carry out that will translate what we say onthis rostrum into tangible progress for the world’s people.


in that spirit, i look forward to the capable leadership and stewardship ofpresident john ashe during the very important 68th session. most of all, i lookforward to “dogged determination” he has pledged to this work. that is preciselywhat we need at this crucial time.


as i briefly mentioned about the capital master plan, the process wherethis general assembly hall has to be closed for renovation, i hope that each andevery delegations, particularly the leaders who are coming, will not bedisappointed by this temporary general assembly hall. this will be just for oneweek. i will make sure that by next year this time leaders will be able to takethe floor in the newly renovated general assembly hall. i hope you will conveythis message.


excellencies, let us all work together for the success we need across ouragenda.


thank you.



