as the big weekend approaches i am more and more worried that i might break up during mytoast so as a pre-emptive strike please accept this letter and gifts. my feelings about you andyour marriage are personal and while i hope to share the sentiments with those at the dinner,it's more important to me that you realize how much i love you and how proud i am of theamazing woman you have become.
my memory for specifics is terrible but my memory for how precious you were as a child isvivid. i loved cradling you in my arms in the wee hours of the morning when you awoke for abottle, draping your sleepy body over my shoulder when you were too pooped to walk, givingyou under doggies in the park, tossing you high in the air in the pool in marine, and reading kidsbooks on the floor of the denver book store with you on my lap. from your first days you havehad a quiet, beautiful, and kind demeanor. you are thoughtful, sensitive, caring and were, and still are, an angel.
when i think of you as an adult, i think of your big heart. it's your heart that has led you to bea bright point of light causing millions of meals to be served to hungry kids. it is your heart thathas led you to your vegetarian lifestyle. it is your heart that helps you care for family andfriends in need. for these reasons i have selected three hearts that are this dad's gift to hissoon to wed daughter.
one heart is a locket with a picture of you and me together. it's a reminder that of the men inyour life i loved you first and will always love you forever and ever—the kind of unconditionallove that your granny and grandpa have all their kids and grandkids all their lives.
the second heart is made of jade and has the chinese character "fu". jade represents luck and"fu" means happiness. maria and i want your life to be filled with both. david is a very goodman, a lucky man, and when i see you two together, arms draped over neck and around waist,we see happiness. you guys have fun together, a child like fun that we hope lasts a lifetime.
the third heart is just pretty and represents your beauty, not the vane kind but the inside andout kind. you are wonderful, loving gift from god, a beautiful human being.
so we are thrilled that you are entering this exciting phase of your life, we're thrilled that youhave landed in a family that places family as the highest priority in life, one that has swallowedup in the lauren clan, remember that your mom and i loved you first and, along with maria wewill love and support you always.
finally, the wedding will be amazing. i can't wait to see you walk down the aisle in your beautifulgown. and i can't wait to dance with you in celebration. my hope is that the event and thewhole weekend will bring lasting memories, like an epic move.
a father's greatest dream is that his child's life is filled with joy—that is my hope for you, ourhope for you and david.
this from your devoted and proud...dad
p.s. i can't wait to love your kids the way i love you.