元宵節(jié)微信祝福文案 元旦節(jié)微信文案(3篇)

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元宵節(jié)微信祝福文案 元旦節(jié)微信文案(3篇)
時間:2023-04-23 21:50:05     小編:zdfb


元宵節(jié)微信祝福文案 元旦節(jié)微信文案篇一


24、天上月兒圓,地上人團圓,事事都圓!花好,景好,心情更好!祝愿你和家人元宵節(jié)快樂! infants round on the sky the ground people happy everything is round! take good scenery is good the mood better! wish you and your family a happy lantern festival!


26、圓圓的月亮紅紅的臉,淺淺的笑容彎彎的眼;甜甜的湯圓幸福的年,火火的好運伴永遠!祝元宵節(jié)快樂!round the moon was red face, shallow smile curved eyes; sweet dumplings made of happiness, fire fire the luck of the companion forever! i wish a happy lantern festival!

27、i wish you happiness, well-being and good luck.

28、歡聚今宵夜無眠,祈盼親朋皆平安。 i hope all my friends and relatives are safe.



31、on the fifteenth day of the first month, lantern festival is fragrant, wishing you better health.

32、如果美國也是種遺憾的是,沒有人關心!也許只有祝福的一種形式,但它帶來一個溫暖的心臟給,所以我們認為分給對方,如移動,就像祝福興趣:元宵節(jié)快樂! if america is also the kinds of regret that no one cared about! may be only a form of blessing, but it brings a warm heart to give, so we regard the interest distributed to each other, like moving, like blessing: happy lantern festival!



35、元宵節(jié),燈是微笑的目光。這是增強在我的心臟在屏幕上;天上的月亮,也就是我和你愛的見證,盡管缺乏陰晴圓,而且永恒。 lantern festival lights, smiling glances of your eyes. it is augmented in my heart on the screen; the moon in the sky, that is, you and i love to witness, notwithstanding the lack of yin qing yuan, but also everlasting.


37、祝你:團團圓圓,甜甜蜜蜜,和和美美,順順利利! i wish you: round and round, sweet honey, and the united states, shun li!

38、正月十五吃湯圓,好運之粥為你甜。 eat dumplings on the 15th day of the first month. good luck porridge is sweet for you.

39、xx,新年快樂! 鞭炮聲聲除夕夜,煙花陣陣喜團圓;張燈結(jié)彩萬家歡,人生總有一個鏡頭叫做相遇,人生總有一個故事叫做相守,人生就是一出戲,現(xiàn)在,邀請你做主角,和我演對手戲。


41、一盞祝福的燈籠,趕走昔時的黑暗,光明就在眼前。 a blessing lantern, driving away the darkness of the past, the light is in front of you.


元宵節(jié)微信祝福文案 元旦節(jié)微信文案篇二

43、盞盞花燈報元夜,歲歲瑞雪兆豐年,玉燭長調(diào)千戶樂,花燈遍照萬家春,祝我親愛的朋友,元宵節(jié)快樂! as those lanterns to rice glue ball happiness snow bumper harvest jade candle na swallowed lanterns as the spring i wish my dear friends happy lantern festival!

44、呵呵,元宵節(jié)快樂!元宵節(jié)的燈火,是你含笑傳情的眼睛。 元宵佳節(jié)到,花燈到處照。


46、thinking of you and wish you a happy lantern festival、

47、元宵節(jié)送你一碗湯圓,會創(chuàng)業(yè),圓的夢圓了溫暖如春的愛情,幸福的家庭團聚是一個圓,圓的新年燦爛的財富!元宵節(jié)快樂! lantern festival send you a bowl of sweet rice balls, will be round dream of starting a business, round out the warm spring and love, a happy family reunion was a round, round to the new year splendid fortune! happy lantern festival!

48、春風吹來元宵節(jié),正月十五共歡樂。 spring breeze blows to the lantern festival, the 15th day of the first month is a happy time.


50、月亮照出了吉祥,月光撕破了蒼茫,紅梅開出了芬芳,淡香襯托了吉祥,花燈點亮了心境,燈謎啟發(fā)了心靈,湯圓甜蜜了心情,祝福溫暖了人情。元宵快樂,吉祥如意! the light of the moon auspicious, moonlight torn cangmang, red berries on the fragrance, light incense foil the auspicious, lanterns lit up the mood, lantern riddle inspired soul, tangyuan sweet mood, blessing warmed。 yuanxiao is happy, good luck!



53、blessing sounds accompany you! happy lantern festival!

54、春節(jié)不吵,元宵不鬧,有平安,才有團圓。 spring festival is not noisy, lantern festival is not noisy, there is peace, there is reunion.

55、元宵佳節(jié),愿同事們?nèi)f事如意,合家幸福! the lantern festival, i wish colleagues all the best, happy family!

56、live a better life and make a better career.

57、送你一束紫羅蘭,愿你青春長駐。 send you a bunch of violets, wish you youth forever.

58、元宵佳節(jié)不送禮,發(fā)條短信祝福你:健康快樂永遠與你,好運和你不分離,最后讓我告訴你,財源滾滾進腰包給你的所有好處。元宵節(jié)快樂! spring lantern festival is not gifts, clockwork sms bless you: a healthy and happy a lways with you, good luck and you do not separate, finally let me tell you that money rolling into the pocket to give you all the benefits. happy lantern festival!


60、happy lantern festival, good health and all the best!

61、愿你十五興致高,團圓美滿品元宵! may you have a happy reunion and enjoy the lantern festival!


元宵節(jié)微信祝福文案 元旦節(jié)微信文案篇三


2、i wish you good health and family reunion during the lantern festival!


4、祝愿你:春去秋往萬事勝意,山高水長終有回甘。元宵快樂! i wish you: spring to autumn to win everything, mountains and rivers, there will be a return to gan. happy lantern festival!




8、acoustic percussion rounds of boiling一聲scenes pyrotechnics and a beacon lantern on february fishes lu:lu: breeze chuojin you xinwo, strings hoping to wish you: happy lantern festival!

9、帶著盈盈相思,帶著溫馨祈愿,祝福你元宵節(jié)快樂。 with ying ying acacia with warm wish wish you a happy lantern festival

10、酒越久越醇,朋友相交越久越真;水越流越清,世間滄桑越流越淡,祝元宵節(jié)快樂,時時好心情!wine, the longer the more alcohol, friends cross the longer true; water flow more and more clear, the world vicissitudes of life more flow more light, happy lantern festival, all the good mood!

11、圓圓的美夢圓圓成,圓圓的甜情圓圓升。 the round dream is round, and the sweet feeling is round.

12、燈火良宵,魚龍百戲琉璃盛世,錦繡三春。祝你過一個歡歡喜喜的元宵節(jié)! beautiful night lights fish dragon acrobatics coloured glaze prosperous splendid miharu wish you have a lantern festival joyfully!

13、正月十五月兒圓,月兒代表我的心!讓明月捎去我對你的祝福:元宵節(jié)快樂! the fifteenth day of the moon is round the moon represents my heart! let the moon take my blessing to you: happy lantern festival!

14、when the lantern festival is coming, i will send you a plate of assorted dumplings. may your life be happy, sweet, safe and healthy.




18、用呵護做濡米,揉捏進一顆真心,裹住美滿與甜蜜,粘稠的漿汁是我的良苦用心,愿它品出你節(jié)日什錦的心情! made simple caress m knead into a truly wrapped in a happy and sweet sticky pulp is my heart let it leaves your festival mixed mood!





