最新公共英語三級大 公共英語三級真題(4篇)

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最新公共英語三級大 公共英語三級真題(4篇)
時間:2023-05-24 09:27:18     小編:cyyllee


公共英語三級大 公共英語三級真題篇一

pets3口語考試分a、b、c三節(jié),測試考生用英語進行口 頭的能力。



片或文字討論有關(guān)問題的能力。該節(jié)約需3分鐘時間。c節(jié):要求考生就信息卡上的圖片或文字作簡短描述,之后另一考生就同一話題闡述個人觀點。該節(jié)約需4分鐘時間。test skill進入考場的時候,記住一定不要緊張,要面帶微笑。應(yīng)平靜地坐在口試教師示意你坐的地方,坐下的時候要自然,坐姿要端正。坐下后,考官會跟你說如下三句話: could you pass me your mark sheet please?(麻煩你遞給我你的記分卡?)may ihave your name?(我能知道你的名字嗎?)my name is?,and this is? she/he will onlylisten to us.(我是??,這位是??,他/她只負責聽我們說話。)三句話次序可能會顛倒,但不妨礙大家聽懂意思。你須將口試計分卡交給專事評分的老師,然后老師會確認一下計分卡上的信息。隨后口試考試正式開始。口試過程中


(2)作為考生,你應(yīng)該積極主動,多講話,切忌一語不發(fā)地等著,問一句才答一句(當然也不要說起來沒完沒了)。對于一般疑問句的問題不要只答“yes”、“no”,要把句子說完整,把一般疑問句改換成肯定句式,并適當加以簡要的解釋,不一定非要等到口試教師追問“why”時,再說話。(3)在part b部分要特別注意兩點:


二:是你和另一位考生都是來參加考試的,在討論發(fā)言中應(yīng)保持基本的機會均等。由于是臨時組成的搭檔,你與對方的英語水平可能會不同,如果他/她為了顯示自己的水平、獲得高分而不停地說,你可以尋找機會,使用得體的交際語言打斷同伴的發(fā)言,如“i’m sorry,but i have tointerrupt” “excuse me,i have to stop you” “sorry,ithink.。”。當然,如果你的同伴比較沉默,你可以用某些特定的語句啟發(fā)你的同伴開口發(fā)言,這樣才是良好的交流。這類語句有“this ismy point of view.what do you think” “do you agree with me” “that’s mypoint.what’s your opinion”等。



(6)考試過程當中,面部表情要與口中所說的內(nèi)容相符合,該嚴肅的時候嚴肅、該活潑的時候活潑,否則就會很生硬。口試結(jié)束之后 口試結(jié)束后,你應(yīng)當用英語分別向兩位口試教師道謝和告別,給他們留下一個完整的好印象。




另外一個需要注意的是,考官的指導用語中會有對圖片內(nèi)容的描述,這是至關(guān)重要的,因為,pets考試的圖片都是黑白的而且畫的非常不規(guī)則,想象力不豐富的人有時根本看不出到底畫的是什么。而考官會在指導用語中說道:“ candidate a, here is your picture , this picture shows four different ways of keeping fit.....talk to each other....“如果考生仔細聽考官的這段話,你就可以很容易判斷出圖片的內(nèi)容,而且知道你被要求做什么。2.遵守考官指令。

pets考試的時間控制比較嚴格,考官在每一部分開始之前都會告訴你有多少時間完成,“到時候會打斷你,不要擔心?!庇械目忌诳脊僬f了“sorry , time is up ”之后,仍然滔滔不絕,極力想在爭取一些表現(xiàn)的機會。這種情況下,你只能得到考官再次提醒,并打斷。你的舉動直接影響到考官對整個流程時間的掌控,不會對你的“鍥而不舍”留下任何好處的。

其次,很多考生為了有更多的時間去理解手中的圖片或者準備要說的材料,過分自我投入,對于考官的指令不予理睬,考官的最后一句話一般是:“ would you like to begin now ?“,而很多考生對此不置可否,仍然低頭沉思在圖片的理解當中,這個時候考官會自動開始計時的,考生不確認開始時間會被認為是故意“拖時間”,或者連指導用語也聽不懂,那后果可想而知了。3.與partner之間的互動。

pets考試時,大部分情況,作為考生,你身邊都有一個partner。這個人的水平怎樣你是不知道的,也不知道性格怎么樣。所以有的考生在進行“talk to each other ”環(huán)節(jié)的時候,只顧著自己發(fā)揮,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)身旁那人一句沒插上不說,自己根本連續(xù)說不了三分鐘的英語。其實在這種場合下,有效地和partner互動是非常關(guān)鍵的。

首先可以化解緊張,我們都有體會,當我們自己做一件緊張的事情的時候,如果能拉來另外一個人一起參與,就會感覺好很多??谠囈惨粯?,當你說上兩句后,主動轉(zhuǎn)向身旁的人說:“ what do you think ?”或者“what is your opinion ?”這會把你的緊張進行轉(zhuǎn)移,同時也會給自己加分,因為語言互動這本身就是對語言流利使用的表現(xiàn)。4.對時間的把控。


首先描述,也就是:what is on the picture ? 是人還是物?在干什么呢?發(fā)生的地點是哪里?什么時間?


再談到另一個問題,就是當你的partner結(jié)束一分半鐘的講話后,你需要做半分鐘的補充,這個時候更不要想著發(fā)揮了,最好的策略是對你partner的內(nèi)容進行簡單“評價”,一般我們會說“well , i agree with him or her,i feel same!......“或者:“ yeah, she or he is right , we should....”諸如此類的簡單評價有很多,都很實用,因為只有半分鐘,你什么不說很可惜,說的多了有會被打斷,當然也有可能你根本沒有聽懂你身旁的人講了什么,妄加評論會出笑話的。

如果你身旁的人水平很低,根本就沒說什么,那你的半分鐘就直接說:“i think this picture shows *****, in my opinion , we should......”要簡潔,保證您在半分鐘內(nèi)完成你的陳述。

公共英語三級大 公共英語三級真題篇二



公共英語三級介紹 公共英語三級是中間級,通過該級考試的考生,其英語已達到高等教育自學考試非英語專業(yè)本科畢業(yè)水平或符合普通高校非英語專業(yè)本科畢業(yè)的要求,基本符合企事業(yè)單位行政秘書、經(jīng)理助理、初級科技人員、外企職員的工作,以及同層次其他工作在對外交往中的基本需要。該級考生應(yīng)能在生活和工作的多數(shù)情景中進行對話,不僅能夠詢問事實,還能詢問抽象的信息,應(yīng)能提供或是要求得到更清楚的闡述,同時口才也能表達簡單的觀點和態(tài)度,能適當運用基本的語法知識,掌握4000左右的詞匯以及相關(guān)詞組。



筆試包括:聽力 語法 閱讀 寫作 以及糾錯 等 基本上都是選擇題??荚囶}型



閱讀:pets第三級的閱讀量大于高教自考和大英四級的閱讀量,題型除了多項選擇還有選擇配伍,即要求考生閱讀幾個案例后選擇出相關(guān)的歸納總結(jié)句與各案例相匹配。共20個題,原始賦分為20,a節(jié)中的 15題,每題2分,形式為四選一。b節(jié)5題搭配。所占分數(shù)權(quán)重為30。(二級共20個題,原始賦分為20,形式為四選一,所占分數(shù)權(quán)重為30。)



考生得分= 得分*權(quán)重


公共英語三級大 公共英語三級真題篇三



i introduce my friend sally to you , smith ? how do you do , smith ? pleased to meet you , you you name , please, sirmadam? your number , please , sirmadam? you very are ’s my for a ’s all you know anything about……? ’s from……?

many members are there in your family ? there are ……? ’s sb doing ? my mother is an english teacher in a middle ’s the girl on the right ? that’s …….e to……

13.-----could you tell us something about your family ?

----- are there people in my father , my mother , and i.14.------do you enjoy it ? why ?

------yes, i enjoy e it’s harmonious(comfortable and warm). does your family usually do for the weekends? we usually go shopping stay at ’t it a nice lovelybeautifulwonderful day today ? yes, it ’s the weather like? it’s very cold ’s the temperature , do you know?

it’s two above zero below there rain in your city ? does it snow there?

yes, it often rain in my is heavy snow , too.(it never rainsnow there). you like rainy days? season do you love better , summer or winter ? why ? the weather changeable in your city ? did you live before you came here ? long have you lived here? do you like it ? why ? you think you will live here forever ? why ? do you usually have your meals? many meals do you have every day ? you have fresh vegetables during each meal ? do you often drink with meals ? do you think of having an apple every day ? often do you eat out ? kind of food do you prefer ? you like chinese food or western food ? you tell us some of the soft drinks you often have ? ’s your favorite drink in summer ? do you usually get up in the morning ? you often take a nap at noon ? why ? often do you go to school everyday ? often do you go to a cinema ? three times a do you think the cinemas have fever audiences than they had in the past ? you go in for any sport ? yes, i , i don’’s your favorite sports? i like basketball footballbadmintontennisswimmingvolyballl do you think is the most popular sport in china? you a sports fan ? who is your favorite anthlete? yes, i am.i like worshipadore…… do you think of liu xiang? can i get an english dictionary ? dictionaries are on the east end of the second you like shopping ? yes , i like and where do you usually go shopping ? you prefer to do shopping alone or with your friends ?

you come across some items that are at a discount , but you don’t need them right you buy them ? why ?

do you usually do in your spare time ? you watch tv every night ?

what programs are you interested in? i’m interested in newstalk you good at computer games ? do you often send e—mails to your friends? holiday is most important for you ? why ? you think we should have more holidays every year ? are the traditional forms of exercises in china ?

do you think we should stick to them or introduce new forms of exercise ? do you usually travel to work or school ? do you dislike about the public transport ? you enjoy parties ? yes, i like parties very you want your parents to spend your birthday with you ? why ?

if my parents spend my birthday with me , i will feel very happy.i want them share the happy time with you like traveling ? why ?

yes , i love traveling can comfort my body and mind , can also make me get more knowledges.(it can entertain my eyes and can make me see more places.) have you been to ? have you ever been abroad ? many scenic spots have you ever been to ? many hours a week do you usually spend watching tv ?

i will spend about 8 hours a week watching tv.(it will take me 8 hours a week to watching tv.)

kind of tv programs do you like most and why ?

i’m fond of “xing yun 52” news 30’ tv playstong yi shou e……

do you keep yourself in good health ?

do you think is the most important vespectaspect for keeping fit ?

-----to keep fit we can do a lot of as going on diet , doing exercises , and so the most important is to be in a good mood , to be you think your everyday life is a healthy one ? why?why not ?

you were too strong , would you like to keep on a diet ? why ?

important do you think studying english is to you ?

do you usually do in your spare time ?

do you do the housework ?

do you often read newspaper, periodicals or novels ?

you have a computer ?

many hours a day do you spend on computer ?

did you learn to use a computer ?

do you like chinese spring festival ?

do you people in your home town spend their spring festival?

you ever had a pet ? if yes , tell us something about your pet.詞匯總結(jié):





brothers(younger elder)














公共英語三級大 公共英語三級真題篇四



the circumstances surrounding the birth of a female infant in kosciusko, mississippi, on jan.29, 1954,were not promising present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one oprah winfrey grew up state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome, to bar her participation in otherwise accebtable social activities, to shackle her to the residue of slavery and other injustices of the simple truth is that her grandmother, her great-grandmother and all the great-great-grandmothers before them never experienced one day of life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression

in hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful at age three she was reciting speeches from church discovering books, the child delved into the written word, turning out weekly book reports for her during turbulent times, not a moment was were being planted, watered, and april 13, 1964, nearly an adolescent and watching television from the linoleum floor of her mother's walk-up flat in something deep inside of was watching the live broadcast of the academy awards ceremony and saw a young african-american actor receiving the film industry's highest g in that moment and all it implied she later told me, caused her to say softly to herself, “if he can do that, i wonder what i could do?” the ground had been journey of oprah winfrey had babe, the child, the adolescent, the young woman-all their strengths were harnessed into

driving forces in many of those enormously influential talk show, her philanthropic work with children in africa and elsewhere, her popular book club and magazine, her empowering spiritual message, her contribution(by action and example)to improving race relations-all speak to the human family, touching hearts and leaving each one sippi too seems to be mellowing out into a more congenial place than it was in may also be partly due to the very sbecial enerav that is oprah winfrey-a courageous, funny, compassionate, well-informed, dazzlingly curious person, as down-to-earth and loving as any human being i've ever known.參考譯文:

故事的詳情圍繞在1954年六月29日出生于密西西比,科修斯科山的一個女嬰。那時,對于像oprah winfrey(奧普來.溫弗里)這樣日常開銷負擔特別繁重的單親家庭來說,她的出身并不是那么讓人期待。她所在的國家,已經(jīng)有適當?shù)姆傻群蛑鴮⑺袨椴皇軞g迎的對象,阻擊她參加其它合理的社交活動,讓她背負上了奴隸制度剩余產(chǎn)物的枷鎖,還有以往其它一些不公平的待遇。簡單的事實就是她的祖母、曾祖母以及更早的一代之前,在政府縱恿的種族鎮(zhèn)壓法令下,從未經(jīng)歷過一天生命的自由。


道路已經(jīng)被鋪平了,oprah winfrey 開始了她的旅程。從嬰兒到小孩、到青少年、再到年輕女士——萬事俱備,使得她在服務(wù)于自然界與人類家庭上迸發(fā)出一種驚人的能力。從1954年起,毫無疑問,世界已經(jīng)以一種積極的方式發(fā)生著改變。oprah和她的脫口秀是其中的很多改變動力。她影響深遠的脫口秀、對非洲乃至其它地方的小孩博愛舉動、廣受歡迎的書籍雜志俱樂部、激動人心的演說辭、以身作則為改善種族關(guān)系所作的貢獻。這一切都講給人類家庭,觸動了他們的內(nèi)心,每個人都深受鼓舞。

密西西比也受到了潮流的影響,比1954年看起來適意得多。其中的部分也許同樣歸功于oprah winfrey的非常獨特的精神力量——一個勇敢、有趣、富有同情心、見識廣博、閃耀著知識光芒的人,是我所知的人中最腳踏實地、讓人鐘愛的一個。

2: if a computer were to design the perfect ary-general, he or she would look sonething like this: african born;european and american educated, with decades of service in the ;married to a european;and possessing a quiet charisma and calm authority as chaos the 1996 found such a person to restore its sense of direction and purpose was a near out of the u.n.'s failures in bosnia, somalia and rwanda came kopi annan, the career international civil servant who had participated in these disasters yet somehow survived and learned from annan is in the middle of his second task is not finished, and the still far from what it should annan has tested the limits of the job, accumulating more authority-one cannot use the word power, given the constraints the places on him-than any of his complex relationship with the ment is little annan takes positions in public that are displeasing to the bush administration, it

stabilizing began to work toward the decisive date of june 30, when the hand over control to iraqi authorities and an uncertain situation will prevail determined by factors way beyond his, or anyone else's, ability to it is annan's destiny to be handed the very worst problems after they have been unsuccessfully addressed by who knows him knows he wades into such problems with his usual blend of courage, self-control, modesty and optimism







