
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-04-27 12:11:22
時間:2023-04-27 12:11:22     小編:zdfb



a high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. school administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. which do you think the school should require students to take? why?

這道題目是一個三選一的題目,這類題目最簡單的思考方式,就是從a,b,c三個選項中,選出其中一項,然后說出這一項的好處,然后說出另外兩種的缺陷,就可以了。此題,筆者建議選擇managing personal finances,具體思路如下

理由一:獲得理財能力,可以幫助學(xué)生形成理性的消費觀,避免攀比心理,從而合理分配自己的零用錢。眾所周知,形成合理消費的習(xí)慣對于學(xué)生現(xiàn)在和未來的生活都起到非常重要的作用。(to begin with, acquiring the ability of managing money can help students form a rational view of spending and avoid competing mind between each other, thus making them allocating money properly. as we know, the formation of distributing one’s financial resources has a great influence on students’ current and future life. )

理由二:學(xué)習(xí)做飯會存在安全隱患,因為學(xué)生缺乏安全意識,很容易引起火災(zāi)。而且,會浪費時間,因為學(xué)生完全可以去餐廳吃飯,而不需要自己做飯。(secondly, there are a few advantages of learning cooking. for one thing, potential safety hazards may accompany the process of cooking, because students usually lack the awareness of safety, which may result in the outbreak of fire. for another, cooking by students themselves may waste much precious time which can be saved by eating in canteen.)

理由三:學(xué)習(xí)修車對學(xué)生來說實用性不強,因為學(xué)生出行的方式主要是自行車或做公交車。(thirdly, learning auto repair is not useful for students because most of them usually go to school by riding bike or taking public transportation.)

結(jié)尾段:綜上所述,我認為學(xué)校應(yīng)該開始的課程是理財課。(judging from what has been discussed above, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that schools should require their students to take the course of managing finance. )

people should be open to new ideas and change his or her mind to be successful

此題目的意思是為了能夠取得成功,人們應(yīng)該通過接受新的想法來改變自己的看法。此題目想理由大家可能只會想到,不斷更新自己的想法才能緊跟時代潮流,從而取得成功。所以此題目,波波老師推薦大家使用拆分舉例的方式:將題目中的“people”拆分成:老師和產(chǎn)品設(shè)計師。(from my perspective, accepting new ideas and updating their mind constantly are important to become successful for everyone, especially for teachers and product designers.)具體思路如下:

論點一:first of all, being open to new ideas and modifying their mind are of great importance for teachers to achieve success. (現(xiàn)在知識體系隨著社會的進步在不斷更新,另外老師在教學(xué)中面對的學(xué)生也在不斷變化,所以老師要順利開展教學(xué)活動,必然需要不斷的接受新的觀點,改進自己的教學(xué)理念。)

論點二:in addition, the above same logic also applies to product designers. (眾所周知,要想讓產(chǎn)品大賣,生產(chǎn)者需要迎合消費者的需求。作為產(chǎn)品設(shè)計者,只有通過聽取新的意見,才能不斷改進自己的產(chǎn)品,從而獲得市場份額最終盈利。)

working at home by using telelphone or computer is better than working in office.


理由一:to begin with, telecommuting can save a great deal of time and money than working in office.(去辦公室工作,每天上下班會遭遇高峰期(rush hour), 由于堵車每天花在路上的時間可能是3-4個小時,然而在家里工作就省去這些麻煩。另外,員工每天的交通費日積月累對員工來說會是一筆較大的開銷,增加生活負擔(dān),同時,對于公司老板來說,每天需要為辦公場所支付電費水費等費用,相反,員工在家工作的話對于員工和老板來說將是雙贏的局面。)

理由二:in addition, working at home is more effective than working in the office because people will be less unlikely to be disturbed while working alone. (在辦公室里,人多口雜,非常嘈雜,所以員工的注意力極易被分散,工作效率將會大幅下降。比較而言,在家里相對安靜,員工可以更加集中注意力,高效工作。)

some people believe that they can solve important problems by themselves or with the help of family so there is no need for them to seek help from government.

此題目意思是個人可以通過個人努力和家人幫助來解決重大問題,所以不需要政府的幫助。此題不管是同意還是反對,想兩個理由都較為困難,所以我們可以選擇進行對important problems 進行拆分,波波老師建議大家選擇不同意,即認為個人需要政府的幫助來解決很多重大問題,比如環(huán)境問題和教育問題。

first of all, environmental problems must be solved with the help of the government in many cases. (現(xiàn)在環(huán)境問題愈來愈嚴重,霧霾(haze)以及各種污染問題層出不窮,然而個人的力量總是弱小的,只有通過政府的努力才能解決這些問題。比如霧霾主要是由汽車尾氣和工業(yè)廢氣造成的,個人只能改變自己的出行方式,但是這對解決環(huán)境問題的作用是微乎其微的,只有政府制定法律法規(guī)或關(guān)閉工廠這些方式才能從根本上解決空氣問題)

in addition, the contribution of the government in solving the problems about educational system cannot be overlooked.(眾所周知,很多國家存在教育資源不足或分布不均勻的情況,個人無法通過個人的努力來改變國家整體的教育質(zhì)量,只有通過政府制定相關(guān)政策才能使這一問題得到解決。比如,我國偏遠地區(qū)的孩子無法上學(xué)的問題)

should children spend most time playing and studying? or should they be required to help the family with household chores, like cooking and cleaning?


理由一: helping the family with household chores can help childern gain essential life skills and thus foster their ability of fending for themselves.(孩子早晚都要走上社會獨立生活,現(xiàn)在做一些家務(wù),比如做飯和洗衣,孩子可以更好地照顧自己。相反,如果只注重學(xué)習(xí)和玩耍孩子很可能成為高分低能的孩子,加來無法獨立生活。)

理由二:children’s sense of responsibility can be raised during the process of doing houseworks.(家務(wù)是家庭共同的義務(wù),在做家務(wù)中孩子可以體會到父母的辛勞,從而對家庭負責(zé),同時也可以減輕父母的負擔(dān)。)

one quality that a successful leader must have is to maken help decisions quickly. when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he leads.


理由一: making up one’s mind without hesitation can help leaders to catch more chances to succeed. (不管是在哪種行業(yè),機會總是稍縱即逝的。只有能夠快速做出決策的人才能抓住這些機會,并帶領(lǐng)團隊走向成功)

理由二:leaders who can rapidly make decisions can build up autorities in front of team members and thus create strong cohesiveness in the team. (對突發(fā)情況快速反應(yīng)并做出決策是一種能力的體現(xiàn),也會讓團隊成員更加信服。相反,如果決策者猶豫不決,會讓團隊對其失去信任。)




















